Want the tools, process, know-how and confidence to help your 12-16+ year old turn an interest into a marketable talent? See how Simeon did it.
What if you knew that the time they spent on their interests was actually developing a passion for their future?
Your teen only has so many years with you. Make them count, for you...
but more importantly, make them count for their future.
It's time to get your 12-16 year old son or daughter focused on something they LOVE.
Through a series of self-discovery exercises that we talk your child through, they will be able to create a clear and actionable statement that lines up their personal desires and interests to other people's needs and wants.
- Video modules that explain the strategy step by step. (4 Actionable videos that last 5-10 minutes each).
- Lists to create, either by downloading and filling in, or by using our quiz feature.
- PDF Download offering over 100+ interests you may not have thought of.
- Real-life examples from other teens.
- By the time you're finished, you'll have several merged interest ideas to choose from that you can act on immediately.
- It should only take about an hour. Tune it to have something to start with within 3 days.
You've invested hours into karate, music, soccer.
Will it be worth it in the end?
Are you still willing to give up your nights and weekends for their practice and take-out dinners?
How many more years of this?
Feeling a little fearful that your teen isn't ready for the real world?
You love your kid but want to to make sure he's not still living with you at 25.
Your teen has so many different interests that seem to change with every season.
How do you decide which one to focus on?
Or, you really wish she'd get off the couch and get motivated to do something interesting with her life.
You've met other kids who really excel at their talents.
Can yours do it too?
You don't trust the college years are going to pay off in time and money like it did before.
Is there a powerful alternative strategy that starts working now?
"It shouldn't be THIS HARD to know if I'm doing the right thing with my kid's time and interests!"
"It is the parent's responsibility to help their child develop the skills necessary to succeed in the modern age. There's little in mainstream education that shows teens to be happy, fulfilled and motivated.
Jonathan's ideas of talent development will help these teens be lightyears ahead of where many of their peers are."
Joshua Sheets, Radical Personal Finance
What our workshop helps with:
Hey, Teens!
We're going to help you uncover interests and talents you didn't know you had.
If you feel unmotivated and not sure what you're even interested in, we'll spark that inner fire with suggestions you probably never even thought of.
We'll teach you a strategy to cultivate certain lists of interests that make sense for you (and your family).
We'll help you merge these lists until you nail an actionable step-by-step process to start working on so that you'll quickly find ways to use your passion to create value for other people.
That, my friend, is just the beginning...
FACT: Your family has everything you need for each of your kids to take an interest, turn it into a passion, and bring value to others as a result.
It doesn't have to break the bank, monopolize family time or exhaust your child.
In fact, by using our value checklist, your teen will be bringing value to your family AND the biggest problem you'll have is telling him to turn off the lights and go to bed... he'll be THAT motivated.
FACT: Your teen CAN turn an interest into something life-long and even profitable.
You're already allowing your kids to spend time online, in various activities, and a healthy dose of entertainment. Make those COUNT. Will they be locked in to whatever interest you identify? Nope. There's plenty of time to pivot.
"I thought this class was cool because I didn’t realize I had more than one interest, I thought I only liked basketball. My mom made lists with us and we are setting goals to work on some of the combos to benefit our family."
"I liked making lists for all three categories, I was surprised how many things I could write down. Maybe becoming a NBA player is a big dream but I like how I can already add more aspects to just shooting hoops. My brother will teach me some weight lifting and I will find more healthy recipes and I think all those things can make me a better player and I can do these things with and for my family."
"I LOVED this course!!! I helped three of my boys make lists already and to see the possibilities motivated me to make my own lists and start a new passion or find an old one! I love this, and thanks for the mentioning of Canva, I’ll be checking that out!"
"I know this was for kids, but as a stay at home mom for nearly a decade, I loved watching this and thinking through the prompts. Even if I don’t re-enter the work force for a couple more years, intentionally looking to bring value to my daily tasks is so empowering and energizing. Thank you!"
Here's what our teens have heard from almost
every "mentor" they've had in their field of interest:
"I wish I would have started early like you did."
Jonathan and Renee have 9 kids (and one son-in-law) and have homeschooled them from birth.
From left to right: Cameron (plumber), Noelle (graphic artist and plumber's wife), Johanna (interests developing), Simeon (video and podcast editor), Ezra (3-D Printer enthusiast), Nicholas (coder), Dad, Mom, Gideon (professional efficiency expert), Jonathan (drone operator and business manager), Caleb (machinist). Front: Sophie (currently, our entertainer)
Meet 16 year old Simeon
He tells the story of how he started and the process that brought him where he is today.
It's time to get your 12-16 year old son or daughter focused on something they LOVE.
Through a series of self-discovery exercises that we talk your child through, they will be able to create a clear and actionable statement that lines up their personal desires and interests to other people's needs and wants.